Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Article Two: The Syndicate

In my first post I briefly touched upon a secret group that sought to keep this secret world from coming to public knowledge, and now I will speak more about them in this article.

First of all, who are they and what do they want? They’re a group of humans, (and, I believe, other beings), called simply, “The Syndicate.” They have a specific mark they like to use to identify each other with now I’m not much of an artist but it looks sort of like this:

Does it mean anything? Quite possibly, but for now all we need to know is that it identifies them.

As mentioned before The Syndicate is an organization who seeks to control information of the secret world: the real world from reaching the populace. The, “mundane,” is what their name for people outside of the know. To do this they abduct, and remove the memories from people who have experienced things from the ”real,” world, through magical or through technological means: considering who picked up the person.

This is when I interview people I will always hide their identities: for if The Syndicate were to ever find out who’ve experienced such things that person would be abducted and they’d continue to live in ignorance.
There are three sections of The Syndicate: the Magicians, The Janitors and the Technomancers. The Magicians, as their name suggests, use magic. Magic in the real world, is not as quick as movies and books make it out to be. There are rituals and various other things that need to be upheld, else it would not work. They are usually the people who work in the, “office,” of The Syndicate. The Janitors do the, “cleanup,” work. They get rid of leaks and the people making them, they also are the ones who abduct the people who see into their world. And lastly are the Technomancers.

The Technomancers are the computer whizzes you only hear about in movies: the hackers and the programmers. They do things that are almost like magic with computers and technology.

How do I know of this? I was a part of the Syndicate for a couple of years. I was a Janitor and I have abducted people and helped wipe their memories. And I betrayed them. Me and a few others betrayed them.  

Again, if you have any stories of the unnatural you’d like to tell, feel free to contact me at the places mentioned on my contact page.

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